April 10, 2007

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April 10, 2007 (word)

April 10, 2007 (pdf)

New York Sun on Mugabe.

The world’s attention towards Africa could not be more peripatetic. Last month, the battered face of the leader of Zimbabwe’s Movement for Democratic Change, Morgan Tsvangirai, was beamed around the world after President Mugabe’s thugs tortured the former trade unionist and shattered his skull. Western governments condemned the action, editorial pages disapproved of it, and the world quickly moved on.
But the past two weeks have seen a further deterioration in the situation. Reports are scarce because of a ban on foreign press entering Zimbabwe. Suspected opponents of Mugabe have been abducted and tortured, and a cameraman suspected of smuggling out video of the violent crackdowns has been murdered. This state-sanctioned violence has been only a piece of a new defiance emerging from the Mugabe regime; last week the state-controlled newspaper, the Herald, warned the British political attaché in Zimbabwe, Gillian Dare, that she risked “going home in a body bag.” …

Power Line posts on Caroline Glick’s latest in the Jerusalem Post, and on the tendencies of conservatives to overlook McCain.

There is something mysterious, not to say perverse, about the attitude of many conservatives toward John McCain. It is commonplace, for example, to hear talk radio callers refer to McCain as a “liberal.” This is ridiculous; whatever he is, and whichever positions you may disagree with him on, McCain is no liberal. He is a pro-life spending hawk; more important, he is a hawk, period.

Sen. Stevens slapped around by John Fund.

The recent money race by presidential candidates has Brendan Miniter wondering what happened to the legislation that was supposed to get money out of politics.

Good reminder of the efforts to restore the Mesopotamian Marshes.

Two days ago Dick Morris gave us a tour of the dem candidates. Now its the GOP.

Thomas Sowell looks at the GOP too.

The Republicans’ verbal ineptness would be just their problem, and the rest of us could let them stew in their own juices, except for one thing.
At a crucial time in the history of this country and of Western civilization, the Democrats are embracing foreign policies with a long track record of defeat, which can be punctuated by the ultimate defeat, terrorist nations and movements with nuclear weapons.

It’s a slow night, so how ’bout a lesson to help avoid easily made grammar mistakes.

Carpe Diem thinks the day we pay taxes needs to be closer to the day we vote.