April 2, 2007

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April 2, 2007 (word)

April 2, 2007 (pdf)

Mark’s NR column is on demography.

Niall Ferguson was in the Sunday Telegraph.

Let that be a lesson. Even before Britain’s politicians and churchmen had finished saying sorry for slavery last Sunday, 15 Britons found themselves temporarily enslaved by the Iranian government. When will our masters ever learn that, in international relations, nice guys finish last?
This is indeed what comes of being too nice. A month before expressing his “deep sorrow and regret for our nation’s role in the slave trade”, Mr Blair had announced his intention to reduce British troop levels in Iraq by 1,600 within a matter of months. “The next chapter in Basra’s history,” he declared, “can be written by Iraqis.” Unfortunately, it looks more likely to be written by Iranians. And somehow I don’t think they’ll be saying sorry afterwards.

Similar thoughts from Jeff Jacoby.

A little fisking of Tom Friedman by Marty Peretz.

The New Editor tells us the LA teacher’s union and the LA School Board have killed expansion of charter schools.

Wasn’t Jesse Jackson worried about young African-American males? Here’s another march for him.The state of too many of the country’s public schools is scandalous — the more one watches, the more the actions of this country’s teachers unions resemble those of protection rackets.

Couple of items on the presidential campaign. Michael Barone looks at likely scenarios. And Dick Morris sizes up Hillary so far.

Sweet story about lost and found love letters from Chi Trib.

Tech Central on “No-Impact Man.”

The mission, he wrote on his blog, was: “No garbage. No greenhouse gasses. No toxins. No water pollution. No air pollution. No electricity. No produce shipped from distant lands. No impact.” (There’s also a blog, a book and a movie, naturally.)