April 3, 2007

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April 3, 2007 (word)

April 3, 2007 (pdf)

Thomas Sowell reacts to the tactics of Pelosi and the dems.

… Until Nancy Pelosi came along, it was understood by all that we had only one president at a time and — like him or not — he alone had the Constitutional authority to speak for this country to foreign nations, especially in wartime.
All that Pelosi’s trip can accomplish is to advertise American disunity to a terrorist-sponsoring nation in the Middle East while we are in a war there. That in turn can only embolden the Syrians to exploit the lack of unified resolve in Washington by stepping up their efforts to destabilize Iraq and the Middle East in general. …
How useless is the UN? Anne Bayefsky counts the ways.

Victor Davis Hanson has answers beyond Anne’s.

… This “incident” has proved a multilateral trifecta: a patrol sanctioned by the U.N. gets no support from the U.N., a member of the EU is left hanging in the interest of EU trade, a NATO member finds no NATO allies, other than the U.S., to offer support. So what is the purpose of these alphabetic organizations? …

And what is the UN Human Rights Council up to?

The Council also adopted, over the objections and abstentions of nearly half of its members, an Islamic Group-sponsored resolution against “defamation of religions,” an attempt to suppress perceived offenses against Islam and even to justify violent reactions thereto.

And if all of that is not enough, how ’bout The Trouble with Islam from WSJ?

John Fund looks at the money figures and provides a history lesson suggesting they don’t show everything.

Ask Howard Dean. Only days before the Iowa caucuses in 2004, Mr. Dean was anointed the almost certain Democratic nominee by 42 of the 50 Democratic Party insiders surveyed by National Journal. His inevitability was traced to the fact that he had raised a record $15 million in a single quarter of fundraising. Days later his candidacy crashed to earth literally accompanied by a scream.

Bob Novak says Fred Thompson is for real.

Slate tells why Passover’s no pushover.

And, just what is a Seder? The Passover Seder is the second-most-observed holiday ritual among Jewish-Americans. Sixty-seven percent reported that they attend the Seder—the feast held on the first night of Passover, during which the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt is retold.

Good posts from Carpe Diem and Club for Growth.