April 23, 2007

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First we have a few pieces on gun controls. It is painful to continue gazing at events in Blacksburg, but compelling things keep showing up.

Classically Liberal an offshoot of FreeStudents with a great post on what happens when killers meet armed resistance. And what happens when the main stream media has an agenda that avoids telling truth.

It took place at a university in Virginia. A student with a grudge, an immigrant, pulled a gun and went on a shooting spree. It wasn’t Virginia Tech at all. It was the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, not far away. You can easily drive from the one school to the other, just take a trip down Route 460 through Tazewell. …

James Taranto with a look at a Yaleful idiot.

Tech Central destroys the canard that shootings happen only in the US.

Fred Thompson writes on the subject for National Review.

We’re loaded with political items today.

John Fund writes on the fall of a congressman.

… It will be a sad end to a political career that began with such promise. In 1980, when I met Mr. Doolittle, he was a 30-year-old lawyer and political upstart and I was a California college student. Mr. Doolittle had just defeated an incumbent Democratic state senator in Sacramento County, which had elected only one Republican to partisan office in the past generation (and she soon switched parties). …

Michael Barone thinks the dems have made a mistake.

Instapundit too.

Corner Post on Hillary, George Tenet’s book and Harry Reid who wants it both ways on partial birth abortion.

Dean Barnett posts on Tommy Thompson.

… You know, presidential politics viewed from a distance can seem an odd thing. From a casual observer’s perspective, it might seem odd that a guy like Tommy Thompson’s candidacy is considered a non-starter while Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson are considered potential powerhouse candidates. After all, Tommy Thompson was a successful two-term governor and a Cabinet secretary. Romney was a one term governor and Fred Thompson a one-term Senator.
But Tommy Thompson’s comments show the real value-add of the insider primary. People who got to know Romney and Fred or who paid attention to them saw something that suggested presidential timber. People who paid attention to Tommy Thompson, to be perfectly frank, saw something of a schmuck. Remember, this is the guy who offered strategic counsel to al Qaeda as he left Bush’s cabinet.
Because of the chatter that emanated from the chattering classes, Romney and Fred Thompson emerged as top tier candidates. Because of their indifference to people like Tommy Thompson, Joe Biden, and Chris Dodd, none of these guys have a chance. Honestly – should it be otherwise?

Dick Morris says it’s time for Fred to get in.

According to John Fund, Fred had a good day in PA.

The Captain posts on events in Russia. First on Yeltsin and then an interview with Andrei Illarionov

Couple of items on the CIA from Power Line and Contentions.

Got some posts on Sheryl Crow and Laurie David. You can’t make this stuff up!

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