July 12, 2012

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Neal Boortz spots a trend. All states that elected GOP governors in 2010 had improvements in employment.

Here’s an interesting statistics that warrants its own post in Nealz Nuze.

In 2010, Americans from throughout the country elected 17 Republican governors to various states throughout the nation.  Since those governors were inaugurated in January 2011, every single one of those states has seen a decrease in their unemployment rates.  “The average drop in the unemployment rate in these states was 1.35%, compared to the national decline of .9%, which means, according to the analysis, that the job market in these Republican states is improving 50% faster than the national rate.”  Here’s a look at the list, so you can see for yourself.  States that elected Democrat governors saw their rates either increase (like New York) or decrease at a rate close to the national average … nowhere near as fast as those states that elected Republican governors.

It’s like I’ve already said above.  If you just want a check, vote Democrat.  If you want a paycheck, vote Republican.  Can’t make it any easier than that.


Details on the above from Breitbart.com.

In 2010, influenced by the Tea Party and its focus on fiscal issues, 17 states elected Republican governors. And, according to an Examiner.com analysis, every one of those states saw a drop in their unemployment rates since January of 2011. 

Since January of 2011, here is how much the unemployment rate declined in each of the 17 states that elected Republican governors in 2010, according to theExaminer: …


Douglas Brinkley has a new biography on Walter Cronkite that was reviewed last weekend by Chris Matthews in the NY Times. Nick Gillespie finds much fault with Matthews.

… Yeah, well, as American University professor and Getting It Wrong author Joseph Campbell notes on his great Media Myth Alert blog, the Cronkite story is totally bushwah. Campbell notes that Johnson did not watch the original broadcast and there’s no indication he ever watched a taped version of the program either. Cronkite’s invocation of “stalemate” was not original or memorable – that phrase had been used for a long time by then. And for all the talk of a “Cronkite moment,” asks Campbell, why did U.S. troops stick around in Vietnam for another five years?

This is not a tendentious point, Campbell argues persuasively … Here’s a Reason Video of Campbell.


Here is Part Two of Patrick Caddell’s screed on the campaign.

As we saw in Part One of this series, the Achilles Heels of Obamacare are taxes and trust. If the voters had known in 2010 what they know in 2012–that Obamacare is ObamaTax–the bill would not have passed. And Obama and the Democrats know that, too. That’s why they are still fighting over whether or not it’s a tax or a penalty; for the sake of their own survival, they need to keep their rhetorical fog machine fogging. In this effort, partisan Democrats enjoy the full support of the hard ideological left, and the left knows that if Obamacare is brought down, it is unlikely that replacement legislation of European-style scope would have a chance of passage. In other words, this is a last stand for the bureaucratic left–and last-standers have a way of fighting to the death. That’s why Republicans need to wield the cudgel wisely–but also strongly. There can be no quarter in this fight.

Yet Republicans Are Fumbling the Opportunity

Meanwhile, Republicans are wielding the cudgel, alright–but they are missing the target.  Indeed, so far, they seem to be conking their own heads. 

Obama and the Democrats should at least have to work harder to see Romney and the Republicans being tripped up over simple terminology. The White House knows that every day that the GOP spends fumbling around on the surface semantics of Obamacare is a day that the White House can worry less about the unpopular tax-reality of Obamacare. 

In politics, as in a courtroom, when the facts change, the argument must change. If a key witness has been revealed as a perjurer, a mistrial is declared, and a new trial must commence. 

Similarly, Republicans should heed the lesson–and the opportunity–of the Roberts ruling. It’s not particularly productive for the GOP to simply keep repeating its rote mantra of “Repeal and Replace,” or even just “Repeal.” Frankly, to merely repeat the old words sounds stale; as with anything involving humans and their attention spans, the message must be kept fresh. Moreover, in their determination to refight the old battle against Obamacare on the exact same terms as two years ago, there’s even a whiff of sour grapes. The Republicans are acting like the Bourbon kings of France. As Talleyrand said of them, “They have learned nothing, and forgotten nothing.” …

… Democrats fear a singular focus on the ObamaTax because it is a fresh yet compelling attack, a nuanced variation on the familiar theme. It infuses the Republican argument with new energy. It becomes the cudgel with the embedded nail. And the beauty of it all is that an attack on the ObamaTax is that it is still the same as an attack on Obamacare, because if the mandate/tax goes, the whole edifice falls. Indeed, given the added twist of the trust issue, we can also say that if the voters’ trust in the Democrats goes, so will go their support across the board.   

So let’s try and clear things up, so that anti-Obamacare forces can develop a strategy for 2012 and beyond: it’s that longer, larger, vision that will persuade the voters. Yes, parts of the bill are popular, but more important parts of the bill are unpopular. Opponents need the political equivalent of Ockham’s Razor–that the simplest explanation is usually the best. That is, Republicans don’t need to do more than they need to do.  What they need to do is focus on the central vulnerability of Obamacare–the ObamaTax, and the individual mandate it supports, which more than two-thirds of the American people strongly believe is fundamentally wrong.   

To use a hoary cliché that is nonetheless distinctly apt, on the tax issue, the Democrats in the House and Senate are between a rock and a hard place.  Either they admit that they were misleading voters and raised taxes, or they admit that they participated in the misleading–and raised taxes. If they admit that they raised taxes, and lied about, they are dead. On the other hand, if they claim that they, too, were victims of misinformation, then they face the natural test–they must vote to repeal the ObamaTax and the mandate. But to do that, to vote for repeal, is to blow up Obamacare, and with it, the Democratic power structure. That they cannot do. That’s their choice–their Hobson’s Choice. 

The question is, will the Republicans frame it that way, to trap the Democrats? Or will they, once again, by overreaching, give the Democrats an escape hatch? 

To date, the Republicans seem absolutely confused and in political disarray. …

… The reality is that in the four months before the election, there’s really no time for Republicans to flesh out an alternative GOP healthcare plan. Nor should they fall for the MSM trap– that it is imperative that the Republicans and Romney lay out an alternative plan. That is a road to nowhere, a detour around the main issue. All that time permits is the communication of the essential message: it’s a tax increase, and the tax-increasers are not to be trusted. The lie has been exposed: It’s the ObamaTax. And now here’s a whole division of IRS agents to extract it from the people.  

This is the winning strategy for Republicans. This is the road not yet taken. This is the path that many Republicans leaders, with their blinders on, refuse to see. But it is the road that can lead them to a decisive victory in 2012.

If Republican leaders cannot and will not see the logic of this argument and take this case to the American people, then shame on them. 

“Tax” is the Achilles Heel of Obamacare. “Trust” is the Achilles Heel of Obama.

That is how the Obamacare is defeated. Reject the lie. Repeal the ObamaTax.