January 28, 2008

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Mark Steyn writes on our inability to call a spade a spade.

My favorite headline of the year so far comes from the Daily Mail in Britain:

“Government Renames Islamic Terrorism As anti-Islamic Activity’ To Woo Muslims.”

Her Majesty’s government is not alone in feeling it’s not always helpful to link Islam and the, ah, various unpleasantnesses with suicide bombers and whatnot. Even in his cowboy Crusader heyday, President Bush liked to cool down the crowd with a lot of religion-of-peace stuff. But the British have now decided that kind of mealy-mouthed “respect” is no longer sufficient.

So, henceforth, any terrorism perpetrated by persons of an Islamic persuasion will be designated “anti-Islamic activity.” Britain’s Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, unveiled the new brand name in a speech a few days ago. “There is nothing Islamic about the wish to terrorize, nothing Islamic about plotting murder, pain and grief,” she told her audience. “Indeed, if anything, these actions are anti-Islamic.”

Well, yes, one sort of sees what she means. Killing thousands of people in Manhattan skyscrapers in the name of Islam does, among a certain narrow-minded type of person, give Islam a bad name, and thus could be said to be “anti-Islamic” – in the same way that the Luftwaffe raining down death and destruction on Londoners during the Blitz was an “anti-German activity.” …



David Warren reminds us there is still a world out there as he helps make sense of events in Gaza.

The biggest spectacle of the week was the “breakout” from Gaza of several hundred thousand Palestinians, after Hamas agents took out much of the high wall that separates the Gaza Strip from Egypt, in a series of explosions after months of undermining the structure with acetylene torches and similar labour-intensive tools.

The media accounts of this event were incoherent, and understandably so. For even people in the Bush administration were puzzled, and I found myself being asked if I could explain it to more than one of them. When the people who supposedly control the CIA and the State Department are reduced to asking armchair journalists to explain breaking news, well: the world is in a fine state, isn’t it?

My first comment, at least to them, had to be: “So why did you fire all your neoconservatives?”

This is the abusive term the “liberal” media used to describe a small group of invariably Jewish intellectuals who played advisory roles in the Pentagon and White House during President Bush’s first term. They were very American Jews, incidentally, not Israelis — but we’ll concede they were naturally disposed to the survival of the tiny nation that holds a significant proportion of the world’s Jewish population. It is an interest that coincides with America’s desire to survive, and the significance of these “neoconservatives” was that they could speak Arabic, Turkish, Persian. They knew the region intimately, and a large part of their function, at senior levels of the U.S. government, was to explain nuances of foreign language and thinking to people who speak only English, if that. …



In spite of Billary, our country’s version of Romania’s Nicolae and Elena CeauÅŸescu, Dave Barry looks at the lighter side of the election.

On Tuesday, millions of Florida voters will head for the polls. Being Floridians, many of them will become confused and drive into buildings, canals, cemeteries, other Floridians, etc. But some will actually make it to the polls, where they will cast ballots that will play a crucial role in the presidential election. Or, in the case of Democrats, not. …


… THE REPUBLICAN RACE: It’s still wide open. Mitt ”Mitt” Romney holds a slight edge in delegates, plus a heifer he got for winning Wyoming. Right behind him are John McCain, Chuck Norris and the late Ronald Reagan.

Bringing up the rear is Rudy, who needs a win and has been frantically courting Florida voters. He’s mowing your lawn right now.

THE DEMOCRATIC RACE: It’s down to Obama vs. Clinton, and it’s getting nasty. They hate each other, with the kind of passionate hatred that you see only between two people who hold essentially the same positions on everything. Edwards is still running, but at this point they don’t even bother to put a microphone on him for the debates. He just waves his arms to indicate how he’s going to take on the big corporations. …


Someday soon we won’t have a Billary section. But not today. Dick Morris starts us off.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen it all before.

That picture of the seething, red-faced former president of the United States shaking his finger at members of the press who dare to question his wife’s slimy campaign tactics, is all too familiar to those who have worked closely with him in the past.

Like Janus, the two-faced Roman god, there are always been two distinct personalities in Bill Clinton. That charming, smiling gentleman seen in public is too often eclipsed in private by his negative twin evidenced in the eruption of a furious, unexpected, and uncontrollable rage, often accompanied by loud cursing and occasionally, even physical violence. It’s not a pretty picture.

I’ve been at the other end of that anger too many times and I was always amazed at the suddenness and intensity of his fury.

Early one Sunday morning, he woke me up at my Connecticut home screaming into the phone, “have you seen the Washington Post?” Blearily, I said no that I wasn’t in Washington (it was in the pre-Internet days). Apparently, the paper’s lead article had our poll and focus group questions about his character and image.

“Who did you tell?” “Who did you tell?” he shrieked. I assured him that I never spoke to the press.

“Well, who DID you speak to?” he screeched.

“I only spoke to George [Stephanopopous] and Rahm [Emmanuel],” (his two closest aides).

That set him off even more. He yelled even louder: “You ONLY told George and Rahm! You ONLY told George and Rahm! Why didn’t you just send out a f-ing press release. Don’t you understand that you can’t tell those two anything that you don’t want to see on the front page of the Washington Post? They leak everything! …


WSJ reacts to the Jesse Jackson comparison.

… The Clintons
are now eager to make Mr. Obama into a Rev. Jackson-style “black candidate” as they contest primaries with a larger share of white and Hispanic voters than there were in South Carolina. The Clintons want to portray Mr. Obama as a candidate with a narrowly racial appeal, both to undermine his larger and inspirational message of “unity,” and also to play to whatever doubts still exist about an African-American candidate among Democratic voters.

It’s going to be fascinating to see if Democrats and the press let the Clintons get away with this. Imagine if Mitt Romney had made the Jesse Jackson comparison. Democrats would have immediately denounced the remarks as “racist,” or as a part of some Republican “Southern strategy.” …


Contentions post wonders when Gore will indorse Obama.



The Guardian’s Michael Tomasky.

… Writing in the New York Times on Saturday, Garry Wills noted that America’s founders had wrestled with just this question and decided executive power had to be invested in one person for the sake of holding that person accountable. Wills – who has written glowingly about Hillary in the past – directly compared Bill’s possible role to the one being played now by Dick Cheney and concluded that “it does not seem to be a good idea to put another co-president in the White House”.

It has long been assumed – more conventional wisdom – that Bill as co-president was another huge plus, especially for Democratic voters. But suddenly even sympathetic observers like Wills are exploring the darker penumbras of that question. And with Bill having raised millions of dollars for his library from undisclosed donors – some of whom would surely have business with the federal government, as Frank Rich noted in his Sunday New York Times column – these explorations are likely to mount over the next 10 days. …


The Captain posts on Bill and the demise of Kucinich.



Carpe Diem posts on a century of progress.



Cafe Hayek leads us to an AJC story on a new Wal-Mart built in Atlanta. Seven thousand applicants for 300 jobs.



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