May 31, 2007

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Hugh Hewitt’s interview with Mark Steyn covers Fred Thompson’s possible bid and the immigration bill.


Professor Bainbridge is happy with Thompson’s run. Here’s Pickerhead favorite bullet point;

Unlike say Hillary or Romney, he hasn’t been planning to run for President ever since s/he got elected President of the 9th Grade class and the senior football players ran his/her underwear up the flagpole, as illustrated by his famous comment that “After two years in Washington, I often long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood.”


Samizdata’s Quote of the Day features Margaret Thatcher.



More great posts from Contentions.

Daniel Johnson on whether Mosques should be above the law.

Max Boot and the Pew Muslim-American survey.

And Joshua Muravchik on Assad’s dissing of Pelosi.



David Leonhardt of NY Times catches Lou Dobbs with his pants down. Not a pretty sight.



And Reason’s Hit & Run nails both Dobbs and Buchanan.



Walter Laqueur is the finest European historian you’ve never heard of. Gerard Baker reviews his latest for WSJ.

… Is it possible, then, that the writers who have spent the past few years predicting Europe’s collapse could be wrong? The short answer is: no. Even a corpse has been known to twitch once or twice before the rigor mortis sets in. The longer answer is provided by Walter Laqueur in “The Last Days of Europe,” one of the more persuasive in a long line of volumes by authors on both sides of the Atlantic chronicling Europe’s decline and foretelling its collapse.

Unlike the Euro-bashing polemics of a few of those authors, Mr. Laqueur’s short book is measured, even sympathetic. It is mercifully free of references to cheese-eating surrender monkeys and misplaced historical analogies to appeasement. The tone is one of resigned dismay rather than grave-stomping glee. This temperate quality makes the book’s theme–that Europe now faces potentially mortal challenges–all the more compelling. …


Another book you may want to read. Freedomnomics by John Lott. Details by Newmark’s Door.


Spammer gets nailed. I don’t care what Andrew Sullivan says. Let’s dream up torture.